today was my birthday,12.11.2010^^

whoa~ what a happy mood...i wake up at 5.00am and get prepared to go to school...

today my mum send me to school so no nid to take school bus to's more comfort XDDD

6.15am when i reached school..

and those who know me or my fren were giving me their birthday's happy to get over hundred birthday wishes but also a quite tired job to say thx to every one>
anyway~it is also a wonderful day~

10.30am is our break time...about 20 minits for us to rest..

same as what i before will do...clear up my table and walk to the canteen...i walk toward to the worker to buy some famish!!

but ShuMay shout to me, i turn my head over...i saw a group of my frens there...a cake...

i was so surprise...after singing several langue of birthday song..i recieve my 1st birthday's so beautiful packing...

shumay really know me well...she know i love chocolate..and she go and buy a chocolate birthday cake from season...

they really touching my heart...

after w went back to the class...she ask me to open up the present...i found a birthday card beside the present...

the bday card is full with my fren's wishes and signature...

it really touching when i saw the card...tear almost grab the key of my eye

after we help to arrange the seat for those who having MUET exam

kelly , methane and my sister gang suggest to have a lunch together...

finally...we decided to go to "he le wu" a japanese food restaurant...

i'm having a japan curry pork chop rice there as my lunch with others frens...

although it is jz an hour but is enough to me

BUT=.= i have to go back to school to settle down those work we haven't finish with kelly...what the hell=-=

at the end, kelly fetch me home~~~thankful to her XD

after i back to my home...i started to expect 13.11.2010... the day that my beloved jeremy gor and my fren wendell coming to JB celebrate my birthday and have a trip at JB!

hence, thx to all the 689people who leave their birthday wishes to me on my facebook wall...TQ^^

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